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Virtual Office Hours

Connect with our staff during our office hours. We will be happy to discuss any questions and concerns you may have, pertaining to ECELS. Please register for an appointment for our office hours by following this link, or by following the below QR code. After you register, you will receive an email confirmation with your appointment information. A zoom link invitation for your office hours video appointment will be provided. Registrations will be accepted until 12 pm on the Wednesday before an office hour date.

kids playing in classroom

ECELS Virtual Office Hours

Would you prefer to talk virtually (Zoom) or by telephone?
Virtually (Zoom)
Please select from the following date/time
February 21st, 12pm
February 21st, 1pm
February 21st, 2pm
March 7th, 11am
March 7th, 12pm
March 7th, 1pm
March 7th, 2pm
What is your role?
Parent/Guardian/Family Member
Early Learning Program (Teacher/Assistant Teacher, Director/Assistant Director, Support Staff, etc.)
Systems Partner (Early Intervention, Home Visitor, Behavioral Health, ELRC Staff, etc.
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